Façade Replacement at 355 Fulton St, San Francisco
CapEx Improvements

Façade Replacement at 355 Fulton St, San Francisco

Here's a look at Stone & Stryder façad replacement project at 355 Fulton St, in San Francisco.

355 Fulton St. Project Scope

The entire 3,500 square feet concrete frontage on the southern side of this property suffered severe deterioration. The building, constructed in 1926, had utilized concrete made with beach sand, containing salt that led to the corrosion and expansion of the rebar, resulting in concrete spalling.

In response to this issue, extensive demolition was necessary to remove compromised sections of the existing concrete beams and walls. To rectify the situation, a new engineered shotcrete wall, along with pilasters and beams, was meticulously installed in front of the original facade, providing a sturdy and reinforced structure.

Preexisting Conditions:

Here's a look at how the building used to look.

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